
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Death of the Sun on Smashwords

It's here! Death of the Sun is now available on Smashwords for free. Enjoy!

It's hard to believe it was so long ago. I sat in my car, parked at the lookout spot we used to come to. Beyond the cliff, the city lights were spread out for a few miles. The silence was strange and yet comforting at the same time. I rolled down my window. There was a slight breeze, but the summer air was still warm. Tomorrow, I would get in my car and drive to Portland. Tomorrow, I would leave this small town, and everything in it, behind me. But tonight, I was still here, still haunted by the things that had happened two years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I just read & reviewed your short story on smashwords & enjoyed it enough that I also blogged about it this AM. I was excited to hear of your sci-fi novella, Finding Fiona, and look forward to hearing more about that! Good luck with writing!
