
Friday, March 4, 2011

In My Mailbox #1

Even though this blog is not primarily a book review blog, it's the majority of what I've been doing lately. Thus, In My Mailbox is here!

I tried to do a video, but I didn't end up liking it. Have some pictures of me making weird faces instead!

The Alchemaster's Apprentice by Walter Moers. After reading The City of Dreaming Books, I looked up more of his books, and this one sounded the most interesting. Picked up from the public library, I'm enjoying it already!

The Night is for Hunting by John Marsden. I'm kind of cheating with this onebecause I've had it for a week or so already. Actually, funny story - I checked it out of the library about a month ago. I got to page 60, and it skipped thirty pages to 96!! A whole chunk of the book was missing! So, I had to bring it in and request a different copy from a library nearby. Anyways, I'm about halfway through this. They're quick reads, but I've been reading other things. This is on my "to finish before it's due" list!

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Picked it up at the Kroc Center library. I've had this small desire to read it ever since it hit the best seller's list. I don't know if, as a Christian, this makes me a traitor or something. My mom tells me it's a good thriller. I'll be the judge of that ;)

I'm also reading Switched by Amanda Hocking on my Kindle. Just past the sample. Not sure what to think yet.

So, there you have it! In My Mailbox the first!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so bad when it comes to library books. Mostly because I take out 10 at once and manage to finish none before they're due. It's so hard because there are all these lovely books and it's like a candy store but free and I want them all at once and then I end up binging and passing out... >.> Okay, that was a strange simile-turned-metaphor.

    I've not read any of these books myself but I've had The DaVinci Code on my to-read list for longer than I can remember. I've only heard about Amanda Hocking's books recently, so I'd be interested to know what you think of it.

    Happy reading!
