
Friday, February 17, 2012

Promising Light Blog Tour: The End!

Well, my first blog tour is complete! I think it went really well! The tour went to fifteen different blogs and garnered nearly fifty comments. Speaking of comments. . .

The winner for the $20 Gift Card is:

The winners for the two paperback copies are:
Elizabeth H!
Jennifer W!

The winners have been e-mailed. If your name is on this list, but you haven't received an e-mail yet, please contact me at emilyannward at yahoo dot com.

There are still a few chances to win an ebook copy at these blogs:
The Southern Scrawl
Danica's Page
Laurie's Paranormal Features

Here's complete list of the tour stops if you want to check them out. Author and character interviews, reviews, extras about Promising Light, excerpts and more!

Author interview with Ritesh.
Author interview with Coral at Chaos and Insanity.
Grace’s Google history and an excerpt from the first chapter with Kate at The Southern Scrawl.
The evolution of Promising Light with Coral at Alchemy of Scrawl.
“What I’d Do if I were a Shape Changer” with Kate at Who Needs Neverland?
If Promising Light Became A Movie with Delphina.
Author interview with Anjana at Kindle And Me.
“What Would Your Character Do If?” with TK Richardson.
Review from Evie at Bookish.
Guest post about the prequel novellas and Review from Karen.
The locations of Promising Light and Review with Vidya at Books Are Magic.
Book Soundtrack for Promising Light with Ron.
Character Interview with Grace and Review from Danica.
Character Interview with Dar and excerpt with Laurie.

Now that the blog tour is done, I'll continue the A to Z posts with excerpts from the series!

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