
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Protectors: L for Lullaby

L for Lullaby
This one was hard. This is kind of related to a lullaby, but not really. I'm not telling you who it is ;)

Ivan came in every once in a while to work on her. She tried to fight him, but he’d work his magic so she was paralyzed, unable to move as his fingers moved over her stomach, her insides twisting painfully. His children watched as he guided them in whatever changes he was making to her body. If he worked for longer than an hour, he would put her into a deep sleep. She wished he’d let her sleep forever. She caught his hand once, after he’d worked on her. 

“Ivan,” she whispered, “you can take my life within seconds. I want to die.” 

He shook his head. “I’m not going to do that.”

“Please,” she urged. 

He said nothing and left. 

~The End of Light, the third prequel novella

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