
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Author Interview: Adam M. Johnson

The author I'm interviewing today has a unique novel out called Loud, Disorderly & Boisterous.  It's currently available on Amazon.

Adam M. Johnson, ladies and gentlemen!

Fill in the blanks: [My book above] is like [book/movie/TV show] meets [a different book/movie/TV show].
Loud, Disorderly & Boisterous is like A Princess Bride meets The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

What's the first sentence of this book?
New tutors came on Tuesdays.

What's the last?
“I can’t think of a reason in the world.”

Do you remember the first story you ever finished? If so, tell us about it.
If memory serves a first grader's idea of a sword and sorcery epic that I wound up giving to my first grade teacher.

How has your writing changed since you first started writing?
It has ceased to be utterly dreadful. (Or at least I hope that it's ceased to be utterly dreadful.) I think I'm slowly sauntering towards a more overtly literary style than was the case a few years ago. At any rate the paragraphs have been getting longer.

What's your favorite part about the writing process?
Those moments when a really clever solution to an otherwise intractable problem suddenly falls out of the jumbled assortment of neurons in my head. Also when you go back and really enjoy something that you've written it's one of the finer feelings in the world.

Did you ever write fanfiction? If so, for what fandoms?
Sigh. When I was ten the first really earnest stab I took at writing a novel may have been 'Star Wars' related. It was still better than 'The Phantom Menace' though.

You get to travel to the country of your choice for one week with any fictional character of your choice (not your own). Who do you choose, where do you go, and why?
Japan, with Chewbacca the Wookie. I'm just guessing that wandering around with a Wookie in tow would make any situation awesome.

What's the best piece of writing advice you've ever received?
From Cormac McCarthy (not, alas, in person): "Anything that doesn't take years of your life and drive you to suicide hardly seems worth doing."

For better or worse, writing a novel is often a long, hard slog--sometimes you have to remind yourself that this is simply the price you must pay to produce something worthwhile.

You get to go to Disneyworld with one of your characters. Who do you choose and why?
Why the charming and delightful title character/heroine of course. In terms of being good amusement park company, many of the book's other characters suffer from the slight handicap of being at least slightly evil and coming from a century when regular bathing was frowned upon.

The world's scientists have just released the first time machine, and you've been chosen to get a free ride (with assurance that you'll be able to come back, of course ;). To when do you go and why?
Being an optimist I'd much prefer to head into the future... Let's see what craziness is happening by 2112... Alternately though it might make more sense to just head back a decade and tell some family members to bet the ranch on Apple stock...

What's your favorite book, whether self-published or traditionally published?
Probably my two favorite books would be Catch-22 by Joseph Heller and Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie.

It's Saturday night. Where are you most likely to be?
In a bookstore.

Thanks, Adam! Go on and check out his book, people! It sure looks like a fun one!

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