
Friday, June 15, 2012

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 

Published 2012, hardback edition, library copy (but I'm getting my own asap!!)

This is one of those books that pulls you in, makes you fall in love, then tears your heart out. It's one that doesn't care about your feelings or your fragile heart. It also doesn't care what else is going on in your life, it demands to be read and enjoyed, no matter who you live with or what they want. It's a book that is honest, funny, loving, sad, and beautiful. The characters are real and you miss them the moment you're done with the book. Their struggles become your own. The writing describes so many things so well, the mind of a sixteen-year-old girl and the streets of Amsterdam and the beauty of life. 

I feel kind of pretentious just writing this review, but I can't believe that books like this exist. Books like this make me question why I even write. Why even try when it won't be this good? But books like this also give me inspiration to write. They fill me with this passion for words and stories and the things we can create with our language. This book takes spot on the shelf of my favorites right next to The Things They Carried and The Book Thief

In short, it's a book that I loved for so many different reasons, and I hope you do, too


  1. The Fault in Our Stars has been called a "must read" by so many. I have it on my TBR but am not sure if my heart is ready for the ache that may accompany reading it.

    1. Yes, that's always a tough call. It's such a great book, though!

  2. Oh I really want to read this and I will off the back of your review!

    Following you from our YA Ganglet...

  3. I've heard some great things about this book and have been questioning to read it, thanks for the review and I'll definitely give it a read!

    dwayne of Tony Lama Cowboy Boots
