
About Me

I'm Emily! Thanks for visiting my blog. I realize I didn't have an about page, so here you are if you want to know all about me.

I'm the author of Finding Fiona, The Protectors series, Beyond Home, and Passages. For more information on my writing and books, please visit:
Author website
Facebook Author Page
Amazon Central
Smashwords (you can read some of my free short stories here!)
Goodreads Account

You can find links to buy Promising Light, Finding Fiona, and my short story collections in the right column alongside my posts.

I'm also an editor at Entranced Publishing. If you have a romance, science fiction/fantasy, contemporary, or young adult novel or novella, send it my way! NOT to my email below, though, it needs to go through the submissions e-mail at the Entranced website, but you can address it to me.

More about me:
To contact me, try:
Contact Page at my website
Or you can e-mail me at emilyannward at yahoo dot com

Thanks for stopping by my blog!